At Anglican Churches Springwood
If you’re new to church, Belong is a great place to find out about what we believe, meet team and other new people, and learn more about how church runs and how you can get involved!
What is Belong?
Belong is our course to welcome you and help you get settled. It runs over five weeks each term and is an opportunity for you to learn more about our church, where we are going and for you to ask questions. You’ll also meet other people who are new like you!
We’d love you to come along.
Next Belong event: Mon 10th Feb (for 5 Mondays, 7 - 8:30pm at the Factory)
What to expect
Each week we will study a chapter of the bible (looking at the book of Colossians), and hear about an aspect of belonging to our church. This is also a great chance to ask questions about church, to get to know other people, and for us to know you a bit more and how you might like to be involved in serving at church.
The topics we will look at over the weeks include:
Reviewing the gospel. What does it mean to be a church member?
Coming to church and joining a small group
Serving on a team, giving your money
Prayer and inviting others
A meal together and talking about next steps