How we care
At Anglican Churches Springwood
Care happens at our church as we gather together on a Sunday and in small groups during the week.
Care is an every-person ministry amongst God's people.
Care in Small Groups
Our Small Groups exist to train each other to grow as disciples of Jesus. We have small groups for all people across our services and sites!
Our Small Groups engage with God, in word and prayer, in community with other believers. We study the Bible together, to hear him speak, and we pray together to respond to what he has said. It is our conviction that this is how God, by his Spirit, transforms lives.
If you are not in a Small Group, we encourage you to sign up for one.
Other ways we care
The Care team is here to support you for any reason. We would love to visit you if you are not able to be at church, or would like to meet and read the Bible and pray with someone. Let us know to visit.
Would you like someone to pray with you or for you? We would be happy to! Please let us know how we can be praying for you.
Home Helpers
The Home Helpers facilitate the practical expression of love between church members by linking those who don’t have available help with those who can perform small one-off tasks for them (e.g. moving a piece of furniture, bushfire preparation, dealing with a tradesperson, giving a church member a lift etc).
Freezer Meals
Frozen meals are available in the freezer at The Factory. These are available for anyone in need. Feel free to take one for yourself or to a neighbour.
Mobile Community Pantry
We run The Pantry on Thursdays fortnightly, 1:30-2:30pm at The Factory.
The Anglicare Mobile Community Pantry van visits The Factory to help us stretch our budgets a little further. Free bread and fruit and veg are also available. Everyone welcome!
The Marriage Course
Every May we run The Marriage Course to help strengthen marriages so that both spouses feel safe, loved and well-connected. It is a biblically-based course which uses current marriage research to help couples think through how to make their marriage better.
Our team also has a list of recommended Christian counsellers and psychologists. If you’d like to access it, please contact us. Care at church is not a substitute for professional help, we’d like to be able to help you connect with the services you need.
Help us care for you
Let us know what you need