Ignite Youth
Fridays 7 to 9pm
Ignite Youth is a group for high schoolers that meets on Friday nights during the school term. We have fun, build real relationships, and learn from the Bible. Ignite isn’t just for Christians; it’s for anyone who’s keen to connect in community and learn about Jesus.
Our youth ministry is a safe space for young people to come together. All our sessions are supervised by a team of adult leaders who have completed a Safe Ministry Training Course, and hold a current NSW Government Working With Children Check.
Ignite Youth runs at The Factory.
Our annual youth camp, Forge, is coming up in April. Click here for more information and to register.
Term 1 Dates
Friday 7 February — Ignite Returns
Friday 7 March — Group Socials
Friday 4 April — Final Friday
24th-27th April — Forge Youth Camp